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The art gallery

Carla's love for grafic art come from far away. Her parents cooperated with the Gallery GR and editor societies Bidiellepi and BdA for many years, realizing various cartels made by many artists: De Vita, Pozzati, Scanavino, Vedova, Dorazio, Fioroni, Guidi, Turcato, Tozzi, Battistini, Kamal, Biason, Soffiantino, Sughi, Brindisi, Logli, Piacesi, Treccani, Webels. Some prestigious grafic is still preserved into the printshop archive. Thanks to the experience achieved during the time, the gallery reality is became a set of ambitious projects: the care and the realization of editions, cartels, and art books, taking care of the relationship between Carla and the various artists. At the beginning of the activity, Carla produced an art Prunea necklace, titled Precious scraps of life.





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